Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Sometimes god gives you reason enough to make you believe in him. Sometimes things just happen when you least expect them to happen. You won't blame yourself coz maybe it was meant to be that way. But this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Something that I had been waiting for all these years happened and I wasn't even prepared for it. I feel stupid for getting swayed in a moment, but I feel like I have got immersed into another world. A world that I was scared to explore, a world so beautiful where everything just feels right, a world that pulled me into it and I ran towards it with open arms.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I suddenly realised that I have become a part of the immature rat race, the one which I had criticized throughout my life! I guess all of us ultimately fall prey to it...turn into a rat. So I switch from ratholes to ratholes on a daily basis. But I prefer to be the horse rather than the rat. An average horse who knows to run and its goal. Not wanting to be the best horse out of the lot. One horse who is proud and happy to be a horse.
NEIGHHHHHH................... :P

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2010!

Well, seems like I have been treating my blog just like one of those books I quit reading before I reach till the end.A habit that I hate about myself. hmm.... new year resolutions..do I need one? I am content with everything I have in my life. Ups and downs, all part of the same book called 'LIFE'. I wish to keep reading it till the end.
Recalling the 90's decade, things that had a black n white background, but yet they were pleasantly memorable...when I knew nothing but still so happy. I lined up all my dolls beside my pillow when I slept, my tiny cream colored plastic bath tub with multi-colored rings that could be slided on its handle, my first teddy that dad had got me from London, my first burst of anger when my brothers and sister broke my wooden horse, my first electric shock when I put my finger inside the huge socket while playing, my horrifying, painful ear piercing that I got coz mom said it was compulsory for school(fooled n betrayed!), the Humpty-Dumpty ghost I think I saw in the school bathroom, my first school 'Tiny Tots'...
2010. Its still like a future. Something not predictable, something not familiar...a stranger.Newly introduced and the best way to start:). For I know that I have someone who will be beside me all the time...loving me,care for me and making me believe that I am special. As if I get a strength that I had lost earlier. Not a silver lining in the clouds...my cloud is silver:-P! I am not judged nor do I have to prove myself for anything. I am being loved for who I am!!! Its a wonderful year ahead:)