Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Let's just say there was only one religion. Humanity. No, but then we'll have excuses to kill animals saying they are not from our religious group.
Ok, one religion just for being...being alive.

Next we have a humongous group with a unanimity for their own religion. No, but then they'll seek for their leaders. One for humans,one for animals, one for houseflies and one for bitches.
Ok,one leader just for all...that too a good one who is self righteous and humble.

Next we give them sources of energy. No, but then they'll kill each other to get it.
Ok,one resource which is unlimited and accessible to all.

Next we will give them a purpose of being alive. No, but then they'll turn selfish for their gains.
Ok,one purpose only for all...live and let live.

Dear god, can we please have a fresh start?