Thursday, November 19, 2009
Statutory Warning: Vivas are injurious to health
Reason 1: It breaks your bubble, when you realise that the least bit of knowledge you thought you had was actually 'fiction'!
Reason 2: Its a birthday wish come true for all those professors that you have been mocking for
the last 6 months or years! They devise all techniques possible to mince you into pieces.
Reason 3: At the end of the day, we all know that we "don't know ANYTHING".Its 100 times more easier to guess,frame, derive and use an ever so useful imagination in a written exam.
Reason 4: It ruins the peace ,harmony, tranquility of our lives. Added stress levels are harmful for young,budding,growing people who have other significant issues to worry about in this
world rather than to sit and study for useless vivas!
Reason 5: Its all so dependent on luck:-D
Closing note: Let us all unite and pledge never to utter a word in vivas to eradicate this social evil forever!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Not my fault.The days seem to have less than 24 hours,seriously!
I talked to my best friend yesterday for about an hour and half. The best part is it always gives me a lot of pleasure to talk to my closest friends. They make me forget all my worries,stresses,exams. The ridiculous jokes and laughs we share make me feel in a different world altogether as if that is where I actually belong and want to be right,happy,relaxed,jolly. There are just a handful of people you know who are reliable and trustworthy. No matter what,why and where, these people make you happy every time and you can be your true 'self' with them. It rarely happens when you get the chance to let yourself out completely and smile right from within.Lucky me, I get to do that on a daily basis now!!!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saw 8 'musical'
So,my new phase makes my old friends react as if they are watching a Saw musical:-D
P.S: Radz, scale of 10...rate me for my pinkness today(high pitch included)???
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
'Oct'ail Mocktail
With immense pride and pleasure I present to you my first ever mocktail- OCTAIL
- Apple juice
- Mango nectar
- Honey
- Lemon
- Soda( I used sprite for this)
Fill a glass with ice cubes. Add 4-5 ml mango nectar, 1 teaspoon honey, 5-10 ml apple juice.
Squeeze a sliced lemon into it. Shake it well. Take soda in a separate glass and strain your mixture into it.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Morose October
-I got a 3 page 'special' writeup which are keeping me sane today:-P
-I was a runner up in the debate competition(I was good though;-))
-My old friends called me many a times and I know I am not forgotten
-Diwali was fun!
-I finished New Moon(599 pages,big deal!)
-Wake up Sidd is a fantastic movie
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Two India's
This was when I noticed the contrasting picture of Two India's:
There were the well-to-do families who spent lavishly in almost everything possible;their gorgeous attires,the diamond studded platinum & gold jewelery, the gifts,the cars,the sweets and exclusively on the crackers. The shopowners in their areas contributed in lakhs to spend on firecrackers that are burst at midnight on new year.The night sky fills with bright colours and substitutes for a blank canvas that puts up the best light shows to witness. You can only sit back to gape at the sky all night.
The other side co-existed right there beside us.They were ignored as always.Hungry, thirsty,naked,helpless...POOR. Forget a sweet, they couldn't even afford a morsel that night neither for themselves not for their infants. They sat craning their necks high towards the sky too, knowing thousands of money was spent tonight; but to wonder if only...
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Austere!! who???

Then man progressed adding things to his cart on and on,sex,mansion,cars,diamonds studded jewelery,jacuzzi,indoor swimming pool,beauty treatments,plastic surgeries,5 star hotels,expensive holiday resorts,lavish parties, etc.. There is no limit to our greeds. You either wish to be rich or richer but no poorer. So the big question of austerity in recent days seems all the more outdated. The slogan is :"If you have it,you simply take it". Its impractical for us to expect from a bunch of opportunists to idealize their movements and lessen their luxuries for the sake of a hungry mass who reside in the same country as yours.
1.Why do ants bite me always right between my fingers where it hurts most??? Funny how these tiny creatures know the weak spots too.
2.97% of your mailbox is filled with stupid forwards. When forwarded half of them claim that your 'true love' call you that night and when not you get haunted or face bad luck(bite me plz ........ ants!!!!!)
3.When you start noticing dust on your table,you know you are starting to study
4. Multiflavoured burps do not mean a good meal. It shows a bad digestion.
5. Hospitals not just treat you when you are sick,they send you feeling 'sick' for a long long... time is a huge figure(embedded in memory cell)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
------------------------------MOGAMBO KHUSH HAI!!!-----------------------------------------
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Pepper Spray moment
Saturday, August 1, 2009
- v. (idles,idling.idled)
- DERIVATIVES idleness
- n. idler
Ideal v/s Idle
1. Wake up early and jog 1.Sleep till your alarm coughs out that it can't
snooze anymore.
2.Read the newspaper till it finishes 2.Brush and read the comic strip(only)
3.Eat breakfast in 15-20 mins 3.Extend breakfast so long that you can call it a
brunch while watching a 2-3 hour movie
4.Read a book 4. Play on the pc till lunch
5.A half hour bath is enough 5.Bathe till you have finished the water tanks
6.Lunch is for filling a diet 6.Its a tiring task:-(
7.Write a blog 7.Sleep till it gets dark
8.Play the guitar,solve a problem,paint,learn something,anything ..........
8.Google for things like "how to spend quality
time during free hours":-P
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Top 10 reasons why you should be single
9. You don't have to worry about hiding things from your parents
8.You are least bothered about your appearance
7.You can flirt with whoever you want
6.You aren't leashed. You can watch your movies alone!
5.You don't have to spend money buying her stuff(if you are a boy)
You won't be indebted to anyone(if you are a girl)
4.You can sleep for hours without stress
3.You get your 'me-time' to self introspect.Discover your hidden talents.
2.Your phone bills are 10 times less.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
14 days thoughts
1.Have you ever noticed how trial mirrors make you look thin when you are NOT! They bluff and mislead you to buy that garment you are trying on which might not be a good idea.
2.I was walking near the main road when I heard this man crying loudly while riding on his bike.That struck me: isn't it the best idea to shed your tears when you are down and upset. You are riding at 60km/hr and by the time people around notice you weeping bitter tears of remorse, you would have already left the spot and won't meet them again to get embarrassed.
3.What you do, comes back to you a.k.a in hindi Karmaphal . So, don't ever hurt,cheat,betray someone's trust,insult(if not required;-)),neglect and abandon someone unless you want the same to happen to you. Its not an advice, but my stated fact.
4.Read today's paper and I conclude:Shiney Ahuja saves team India from the media bashing.Sometimes it makes me wonder, is it the public who are growing dumb or the media which loves to act dumber. Sparing out NDTV & Headlines today(please don't call me biased!) , seriously I am not interested to know if Rakhi Sawant dumped her loser boyfriend or about dhongi babas and AIDS phelane wali ladki!!!!!! There is a reason why we watch news channels and raise your TRPs - because we trust your sensibilties to cover news(that are worth it and matter to us).
5.There are a lot of advantages if you have fallen for a vampire.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
On Cloud nine god is fair.Here is a piece of advice-
when you seem to be running around the mountain to no avail, sumone up there throws down a rope asking you to catch it. Make sure you do.
Friday, May 1, 2009
My version of 'The room on the roof'
Kishen woke up Rusty with a jerk on his hand.
‘You plan to spend the day lying here idle! Get up, freshen up. We have a journey to make. We are returning home.’
‘What about your father, Kishen? Don’t you think you should inform him before leaving for Dehra?’
Kishen flinched at the mention of Mr.Kapoor. He did not reply to Rusty’s question for he considered it irrelevant at the moment. They got onto a ferry boat and Rusty enjoyed the boat ride across the river absorbing all sights & sounds around. The boat was crowded and Kishen smiled at him, grasping his hand tightly. They reached the station and Rusty waited while Kishen disappeared and returned with two 3rd class compartment tickets. Rusty did not wish to inquire where and how those tickets came from.
On the way they talked of old days..Somi..Suri..Ranbir…the picnic…and the unpredictable future that lied ahead. Rusty told Kishen that he had planned to move to
‘You can’t leave your roots and pretend to live like a refugee forever.’ said Kishen catching his eye with Rusty. The statement left Rusty thinking over & over again.
They reached home and rushed inside as if they raced to a common goal. The smell of the furniture dampened by the rain, the cupboards, the floor brought back nostalgic memories to Kishen. They decided to go to the chaat shop. As they sat there counting the money left in their pockets, the chaatwala recognized them. He waved and said ‘The treat is on me today. A homecoming present for you Kishen babu’. People nearby started to talk about them and this gave Kishen a pride to help him find his lost identity back. He abruptly said ‘I’ll take the responsibility of sending you to
Days passed by, Kishen worked as a mechanic in the cycle repairing shop and Rusty took tuitions. They let the house on a lease agreement to a family who had shifted to Dehra and they lived together in the room on the roof. Kishen saved all the rent money and one day handed it all to Rusty. He requested him to take it when Rusty straight away refused to touch it and pleaded him to search for his origin in
On the last day, they laughed, then cried and then hugged each other knowing that a lifelong bond was already established. Kishen advised him to take up writing seriously. Rusty promised he would return and take Kishen out of all the misery just like he did 5 years ago. The last they saw of each other was at the station, waving till the train disappeared at the turn. Kishen was left all alone and he cried shuddered in his loneliness. He remembered that they had discovered a chest full of whiskey and old wine while cleaning the house. He reached out at the closet where they had stored them. He gulped down some whiskey and enjoyed it because it helped him to forget about Rusty…his mother…his ill-fated life.
His drinking habits worsened and he couldn’t even pay his debts at the wine shop. He roamed around in the bazaar…slept on the streets at night…his clothes began to wear out and people looked at him with mixed emotions of spite & sympathy.
When the chaat wala walked upto him offering a aloo tikki wrapped in a banana leaf, he did not open his eyes, smiled and asked ‘ Two more for my Rusty. He will be arriving anytime soon’.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
"Dreams are not mere excuses to escape reality.Its because there is nothing really interesting in reality that you need a better resort elsewhere". A daily two hours of bus journey gives me ample time to sit and ponder on blown out of proportion issues-a dormant romance,grades,wolves,donkeys.....ask myself questions -what can I do to give it back to those qualified SOBs?why am I burning my skin at 45 deg C and rather not living in an igloo?Tantrums right!But its overwhelming when my friends tolerate them and still call me a princess! Its anyday better to follow Goths civilization;no walls but the best combat skills.
P.S-thx Govindu:-P
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ran out of tears........
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Le Marche des Fleurs
The title perhaps means "to walk on a bed of flowers". Its printed on my night suit. Ironically, I had
quite a tiring day and now I wish to sleep and push away all that stress cause my energy has exhausted. Engineering is stressful, funny & illogical at times. You'll keep asking yourself if reading about crystals defects will ever prove useful to you in future. Actually majority of the course is never beneficial to professionals. You just have to drag your ass for 4 years(or more) and graduate as a bachelor of tech., learn sincerely what they teach during the training and bingo you are already working....but one things for sure you won't remember what was laplace function!
Its pretty pointless to learn binary addition when the scientific calculator has already been invented.k I got more to say but am really running short of
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
stone cold
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I should be studying right now, but I am not(tee hee...). wow blog can be written in different fonts too!!! shit its getting on my head.
I was reading about flow meters, something to do with measuring the flow rates. Then I realized that I am so slow when it comes to finishing my course.Its not effective time utilisation. I'll study for exactly 8 mins with full concentration,get exhausted feeling proud of myself and then take a break for another 2 hours.
I think I had logged on to write about my last night's dream.But I don't remember anything now.
Time: 2:22 pm
I just had my bath and my hair has not dried yet.The water tank is placed on the roof,so I had a boiling water shower. Pardon me, this is my first blog 'ever'. I am drinking a mixture of apple & litchi juice,which I prepared for myself. It smells great and the two tastes come distinct on my tongue. My mouse isn't working properly and I have to bang it on the mousepad at times. Anyway, coming to the point.....whats the point???
-Why did I title my blog 'mind planning for an exile'
You see this is a year old blog with 0 posts. Here I am back after my exile and am planning to put down my daily thoughts in words now. My friend Radhika convinced me to write this and even though I don't expect many readers, nonetheless I wish to derive satisfaction out of my blogs and keep an account of my views and analyze them after 20 years.
-signing off