Friday, September 11, 2009

Austere!! who???

You see god made man requiring very basic needs-food,shelter,clothes,love,friendship,happiness.
Then man progressed adding things to his cart on and on,sex,mansion,cars,diamonds studded jewelery,jacuzzi,indoor swimming pool,beauty treatments,plastic surgeries,5 star hotels,expensive holiday resorts,lavish parties, etc.. There is no limit to our greeds. You either wish to be rich or richer but no poorer. So the big question of austerity in recent days seems all the more outdated. The slogan is :"If you have it,you simply take it". Its impractical for us to expect from a bunch of opportunists to idealize their movements and lessen their luxuries for the sake of a hungry mass who reside in the same country as yours.


I turned down bro's offer to watch district-9 today.God! I wish I hadn't after watching the trailers now. So, random thoughts for the day.....................................
1.Why do ants bite me always right between my fingers where it hurts most??? Funny how these tiny creatures know the weak spots too.
2.97% of your mailbox is filled with stupid forwards. When forwarded half of them claim that your 'true love' call you that night and when not you get haunted or face bad luck(bite me plz ........ ants!!!!!)
3.When you start noticing dust on your table,you know you are starting to study
4. Multiflavoured burps do not mean a good meal. It shows a bad digestion.
5. Hospitals not just treat you when you are sick,they send you feeling 'sick' for a long long... time is a huge figure(embedded in memory cell)