Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I have absolutely made peace with the fact in my mind that the affection I give to a person may not necessarily be received with the same intensity and returned back at all, but that does not imply that one needs to hold back their honest feelings. The only thing you should hold back is a fart in public.
But if you do not mean them and you are faking it then stop immediately. It is wrong to play with feelings that aren't yours. Stop your tease and get people off the hook. They deserve better people in their life than selfish ones like you. Stop bullshitting and wasting their time while you are toying with them boosting up a misplaced ego. 
Doesn't it hurt your conscience in any way? Do you sleep in peace? How do you face yourself in the mirror? Or are you so much in love with yourself that the world only revolves around you making everyone else insignificant? 
Think over it and please stop doing what you are doing!