Let this new year be all about you. Invest in yourself and you wouldn't regret a day.
Read more, blabber less. Go offline, build real relationships. Laugh and smile more, worry less. Be a friend with no expectations.
Love with all of yourself and keep it simple. No mindfuck games. It'll break your heart a couple of times but you will meet the right person who is equally as vulnerable. Let the only reason be love and nothing else. Be kind. It doesn't cost you.
Price tags are for scanning bar codes not for judging others. Stop seeking validation from people who have no clue about your struggles and journey. Keep your calm and lay back. You don't owe an explanation to everyone for everything you do.
It's 2016 and that's 366 chances of bettering yourself each day. Seize it and make the best of it. I still see hope that someday all the hate is replaced. That change begins from a change within. Keep no room for spite towards someone in your heart because they eat,look,speak,pray and think different.
I repeat keep no room for spite at all.