Sunday, January 21, 2018


Left and right with nothing in between. It's disheartening to follow for everything happening around. If only real problems could be solved with such simple divisive methods. These are age old techniques of distracting common man from real issues which affect them directly. The internet is turning into a poisonous medium of spreading false ideas with manipulative videos and messages. It has reached an epidemic level to even impact election results for nations.

Barack Obama emphasizes this so eloquently on David Letterman's show's first episode. He mentions of the bubbles we all have created for ourselves and live within them reinforcing our inclination of thoughts from biased news sources, articles and videos readily available. How the internet is trained to show you what you think and seek.

In the year of 2018 while we have machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies being used in hand held devices accessible to anyone, we are also discussing discriminations based on race, religion, gender and something as heinous as ethnic cleansing. Imagine how quickly the machines will adapt to these human biases and implement them since their algorithms are meant to study and predict our behavior.

We have seized putting our thoughts into discussions and prefer to share a viral video because it is easier to form an opinion taking a side-left or right. You will be either conservative and orthodox or you will be completely opposite with progressive views and hug people on streets. If you are a god-fearing individual but can respect others despite their sexual orientation, have hopes on the ruling party to make good changes for the country but can respect people despite their race/religion and is a patriot but can respect people with a different political view, then stop getting confused and formulating opinions from your facebook feed.

Focus and speak up on issues that matter and affect you, your family and community. Talk about your children's education and if they get healthy food, breathe clean air and grow up in a safe society. The next time you spend all that time forwarding messages against a group of people you do not agree with, think if it makes any difference to your career and is worth your time. Get selfish for a while instead of blindly following political leaders who have only exploited your trust in them. Stop living in denial that standing long hours in queues for ATM and a unique ID card is in your best interest. It is OK to admit it caused you inconvenience even though you voted and still have your faith in them. That does not make you less of a patriot.