Sunday, January 21, 2018


Left and right with nothing in between. It's disheartening to follow for everything happening around. If only real problems could be solved with such simple divisive methods. These are age old techniques of distracting common man from real issues which affect them directly. The internet is turning into a poisonous medium of spreading false ideas with manipulative videos and messages. It has reached an epidemic level to even impact election results for nations.

Barack Obama emphasizes this so eloquently on David Letterman's show's first episode. He mentions of the bubbles we all have created for ourselves and live within them reinforcing our inclination of thoughts from biased news sources, articles and videos readily available. How the internet is trained to show you what you think and seek.

In the year of 2018 while we have machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies being used in hand held devices accessible to anyone, we are also discussing discriminations based on race, religion, gender and something as heinous as ethnic cleansing. Imagine how quickly the machines will adapt to these human biases and implement them since their algorithms are meant to study and predict our behavior.

We have seized putting our thoughts into discussions and prefer to share a viral video because it is easier to form an opinion taking a side-left or right. You will be either conservative and orthodox or you will be completely opposite with progressive views and hug people on streets. If you are a god-fearing individual but can respect others despite their sexual orientation, have hopes on the ruling party to make good changes for the country but can respect people despite their race/religion and is a patriot but can respect people with a different political view, then stop getting confused and formulating opinions from your facebook feed.

Focus and speak up on issues that matter and affect you, your family and community. Talk about your children's education and if they get healthy food, breathe clean air and grow up in a safe society. The next time you spend all that time forwarding messages against a group of people you do not agree with, think if it makes any difference to your career and is worth your time. Get selfish for a while instead of blindly following political leaders who have only exploited your trust in them. Stop living in denial that standing long hours in queues for ATM and a unique ID card is in your best interest. It is OK to admit it caused you inconvenience even though you voted and still have your faith in them. That does not make you less of a patriot.


Saturday, June 25, 2016


People walk in and out of our lives everyday, but some of them stay till the end. I lost a dear friend few days back and it is a heavy feeling when you are torn between writing a note for him and wishing you never had to write one. A thousand things in your mind wishing you could have said and shared with your friend. A true friend who encouraged me through the toughest times asking me to pen down thoughts and get over a writer's block.
A man loved by everyone who ever met him. Being your cheerful self, spreading joy and laughter wherever you went. You have left only happy and beautiful memories for us to cherish forever.

I wish you a peaceful afterlife Gopal Sir. May your soul rest in peace.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

This is your year!

Let this new year be all about you. Invest in yourself and you wouldn't regret a day.
Read more, blabber less. Go offline, build real relationships. Laugh and smile more, worry less. Be a friend with no expectations.

Love with all of yourself and keep it simple. No mindfuck games. It'll break your heart a couple of times but you will meet the right person who is equally as vulnerable. Let the only reason be love and nothing else. Be kind. It doesn't cost you.

Price tags are for scanning bar codes not for judging others. Stop seeking validation from people who have no clue about your struggles and journey. Keep your calm and lay back. You don't owe an explanation to everyone for everything you do.

It's 2016 and that's 366 chances of bettering yourself each day. Seize it and make the best of it. I still see hope that someday all the hate is replaced. That change begins from a change within. Keep no room for spite towards someone in your heart because they eat,look,speak,pray and think different.

I repeat keep no room for spite at all.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

She killed her

Beneath those carefree eye makeup she used to wipe it off before going to sleep knowing for sure it'll be another night when she cries herself to sleep. Why was she crying? Maybe that's being a woman is all about.
Yet another new room, new place and strange faces. She just had no one to dial and say that she was scared to go look under the bed or inside the closet. She just had no one to tell her its gonna be alright except for herself.
Failing to pacify her heart and give it a reason as to why is she so alone. What went wrong and why is it still not right.
A deep lurking fear what if she might have to cry herself every night for the rest of her life. What if her life was meant to be love less. The daily chaos has tired her body and she knows that no one might ever cuddle her to sleep with love.
After all the hurt, she just had to do it. Kill that little girl inside her who yearns to be loved.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Inquisitive basterds

As you grow older you get better at identifying and dealing with all kinds of people. You wouldn't love or hate people anymore. Its too strong a feeling and too much of an effort on your part. You would just let go some and hold onto some. 

In retrospection I realized how many of unnecessary fucks has been given by me to several things and people. At the end of the day it wasn't worth my time.

Moving ahead let's talk of this particular group. I named them the inquisitive bastards. It bothers so much to them since the very first day they set foot on this earth as to where you are at and if you are doing well (at all). Their childhood is spent trying to know if you scored 3 points more in social science than them, then they move to your board results, college admissions, branch, placements, salary packages, CAT or GRE score, further placements, further salaries. Basically they spend most of their lives measuring themselves and others to it.

Pitiful! Really. Mostly because they can never see a person past the competition. Maybe to find a good friend and they never will. Let me explain in plain English. I do not give a shit about your brag stories , where did you study, where do you work, how much you earn, who you meet and nor do I think mine is any of your business. If this is how you seek companionship then we won't gel any day. As long as you are good to me, I am good to you. Period.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


I saw you on my 8th birthday for the first time. Your paw stuck in those rocks while you cried for help. We picked you up and kept you warm on that cold February night. Treated your leg and you never had to limp anymore. Dearest Jackie, you were the best birthday gift ever. Its been 18 years since then but those memories of you are still crystal clear in my mind when you would sleep in my arms like a cradled little baby.

Life was simple, wasn't it Jackie? You & me playing in the backyard. We never got tired even after running in the fields the whole day. How you would come rushing to my help and finish my meal. You were always excited to see us returning from school.

You taught me how to love someone unconditionally. It was the best moment when you found out we were visiting and you stayed till the end to see us off at the bus stop. How I wish you were still here Jackie. Maybe you would have made it simpler.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

50 year old

Dear 50 year old me,

Let me help you recollect a basket full of lovely memories that will make your day today. Its 1:30 am in the night of 14th April and you very easily finished 3 assignments within 12 hours before sleep. Pat yourself for it. Your nexus 5 gifted by Ronnie is your reading material every night.
Life is going good so far. Unpredictable but good. You have amazing friends who don't judge you based on your looks, grades or anything at all for that matter. Makeup or no makeup you love yourself looking in the mirror when you smile. Mornings are the best time of the day because you go running or cycling enjoying the breeze and the rays of sun. There is so much to look forward to in the next coming years and I am super excited.
You taught yourself to drive last year and you enjoy being behind the wheel now while singing to your favorite tunes. You bought yourself a car from your own savings, you performed dances on stage, wrote for your university newspaper, swam laps in the rec pool, climbed the wall in rec, danced to zumba and night club cardio, score more than 100 in a game of bowling, can serve right in tennis, slept in a tent on a rainy windy night, survived a stolen wallet and lost $1000 episode, put in money to play poker, dated your crush on valentine's day, slept on library couch during finals, worked 8 hours all night on weekend to save money for your new laptop, rode on the craziest roller coasters in six flags, can spin serve in table tennis, made friends from around the world, learned to cook chicken in coconut milk, make time to pray everyday, was gifted a talking minion Stuart and most importantly always remember you listened to your heart.
Life will beat and bog you down in many instances but you have been brave. You make me proud that you never chose to cheat the one you love and you never lost yourself while striving everyday. Get up and be the positive you!
Take your chances, make your mistakes and keep learning. Embrace the good people in your life and grow into the person you wished to be.