Saturday, June 27, 2009

Does a near to death experience make your entire life flash right before your eyes??? hell yeah if its true, I am so ready to try it. But it won't serve the purpose if I jump infront of a high speed vehicle na. ummm...this sweetdish is really good. I joined twitter yesterday. These social networking sites are ruining the youth!!! What is up with the young people? Who is going to serve the country now? I won't definitely. I'll join orkut,facebook,twitter....gaga gugu and make optimum use of high speed broadband facility downloading entertaining stuff, talking to a bunch of online friends who do the same and study for semester exams 5 days before they start.Pass my engineering to join a company and hoping to work overseas. Ah...I didn't maybe you should join the defences after reading this.

Top 10 reasons why you should be single

10.Your friends get to know you better because you spend more time with them
9. You don't have to worry about hiding things from your parents
8.You are least bothered about your appearance
7.You can flirt with whoever you want
6.You aren't leashed. You can watch your movies alone!
5.You don't have to spend money buying her stuff(if you are a boy)
You won't be indebted to anyone(if you are a girl)
4.You can sleep for hours without stress
3.You get your 'me-time' to self introspect.Discover your hidden talents.
2.Your phone bills are 10 times less.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

14 days thoughts

hmmmmm....the last blog i had written was back in 2nd June which clearly means I am preoccupied by something significant and neglecting my daily blogs. Hence, I do not wish to do anymore injustice to my dear blog and pen down my pending thoughts -
1.Have you ever noticed how trial mirrors make you look thin when you are NOT! They bluff and mislead you to buy that garment you are trying on which might not be a good idea.
2.I was walking near the main road when I heard this man crying loudly while riding on his bike.That struck me: isn't it the best idea to shed your tears when you are down and upset. You are riding at 60km/hr and by the time people around notice you weeping bitter tears of remorse, you would have already left the spot and won't meet them again to get embarrassed.
3.What you do, comes back to you a.k.a in hindi
Karmaphal . So, don't ever hurt,cheat,betray someone's trust,insult(if not required;-)),neglect and abandon someone unless you want the same to happen to you. Its not an advice, but my stated fact.
4.Read today's paper and I conclude
:Shiney Ahuja saves team India from the media bashing.Sometimes it makes me wonder, is it the public who are growing dumb or the media which loves to act dumber. Sparing out NDTV & Headlines today(please don't call me biased!) , seriously I am not interested to know if Rakhi Sawant dumped her loser boyfriend or about dhongi babas and AIDS phelane wali ladki!!!!!! There is a reason why we watch news channels and raise your TRPs - because we trust your sensibilties to cover news(that are worth it and matter to us).
5.There are a lot of advantages if you have fallen for a vampire.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

On Cloud nine

Now I know why its called cloud 9.(thank you google!). So, I haven't written a single blog in May. Sheesh...thats like wastage of some great thoughts that came to my mind all in the month of 'May'. But May has been really special and I am blissed!!! god is fair.Here is a piece of advice-
when you seem to be running around the mountain to no avail, sumone up there throws down a rope asking you to catch it. Make sure you do.