Friday, September 11, 2009


I turned down bro's offer to watch district-9 today.God! I wish I hadn't after watching the trailers now. So, random thoughts for the day.....................................
1.Why do ants bite me always right between my fingers where it hurts most??? Funny how these tiny creatures know the weak spots too.
2.97% of your mailbox is filled with stupid forwards. When forwarded half of them claim that your 'true love' call you that night and when not you get haunted or face bad luck(bite me plz ........ ants!!!!!)
3.When you start noticing dust on your table,you know you are starting to study
4. Multiflavoured burps do not mean a good meal. It shows a bad digestion.
5. Hospitals not just treat you when you are sick,they send you feeling 'sick' for a long long... time is a huge figure(embedded in memory cell)

1 comment:

3.14-eater said...

@1: ants are more hardworking than us as always.

@2: Mail forwards could probably cause killings in the future.

@3: When you start noticing dust on your table, you are just about to put your books down on the pretext of cleaning the table.

@4: No comments. Burp!

@5: Hospitals are nowadays like those bars where you get local poisonous alcohol.

@6: No clue what you're talkin about.