Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saw 8 'musical'

When you meet your old friends who know you much better than you yourself, can help you in knowing your changes. Like for eg. I met my friend today and my new girlish version was pointed to me repeatedly again and again. The "you look like a girl"/"your strong girly deo gets me"/"you are acting like a blond" were instances enough. Funny as it seems how 3 years back I was told "you walk like a boy"/"you talk like a boy"/"you dress like a boy"/"you catch like a boy"...and I thought they were demeaning then.
So,my new phase makes my old friends react as if they are watching a Saw musical:-D

P.S: Radz, scale of 10...rate me for my pinkness today(high pitch included)???

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lecture doodles

The Bride

First rough draft - 19/04/05

On canvas( 4 years later)- July 2009

Final painting(framed)



Home Coming

Thursday, October 22, 2009

'Oct'ail Mocktail

A week long diwali vacation can make an engineering student to get creative at home. To add to it, becoming a bartender has often crossed my mind. But due to unavoidable circumstances i.e as a vulnerable maiden(note : I am blinking my eyes when I say this) that too living in a dry state, I'll have to be contended with non alcoholic 'Pina caloda' saturated with soda. Anyway, cut it out...

With immense pride and pleasure I present to you my first ever mocktail- OCTAIL
  • Apple juice
  • Mango nectar
  • Honey
  • Lemon
  • Soda( I used sprite for this)
Fill a glass with ice cubes. Add 4-5 ml mango nectar, 1 teaspoon honey, 5-10 ml apple juice.
Squeeze a sliced lemon into it. Shake it well. Take soda in a separate glass and strain your mixture into it.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Morose October

I did not write a single happy blog this month. Its not a healthy sign. Blogs are supposed to bring out positivity and a vent to all my frustrations. But I have to write whats on my mind which is why it means that I am being pessimist. October wasn't that bad too-
-I got a 3 page 'special' writeup which are keeping me sane today:-P
-I was a runner up in the debate competition(I was good though;-))
-My old friends called me many a times and I know I am not forgotten
-Diwali was fun!
-I finished New Moon(599 pages,big deal!)
-Wake up Sidd is a fantastic movie

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Two India's

It was Diwali yesterday.I never gave it a thought but I am pretty much fond of this festival. I stay cleaner(not the case in holi),I have never been allergic to the smoke and am not effected much by the noise too, I am not scared of crackers anymore (never had a lethal experience actually...). After I ran out of all the stock of crackers we bought, we drove around the city to enjoy the sights and sounds of Diwali.
This was when I noticed the contrasting picture of Two India's:
There were the well-to-do families who spent lavishly in almost everything possible;their gorgeous attires,the diamond studded platinum & gold jewelery, the gifts,the cars,the sweets and exclusively on the crackers. The shopowners in their areas contributed in lakhs to spend on firecrackers that are burst at midnight on new year.The night sky fills with bright colours and substitutes for a blank canvas that puts up the best light shows to witness. You can only sit back to gape at the sky all night.
The other side co-existed right there beside us.They were ignored as always.Hungry, thirsty,naked,helpless...POOR. Forget a sweet, they couldn't even afford a morsel that night neither for themselves not for their infants. They sat craning their necks high towards the sky too, knowing thousands of money was spent tonight; but to wonder if only...

Friday, October 16, 2009


feed my lil hamster,please.he worked all day