Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saw 8 'musical'

When you meet your old friends who know you much better than you yourself, can help you in knowing your changes. Like for eg. I met my friend today and my new girlish version was pointed to me repeatedly again and again. The "you look like a girl"/"your strong girly deo gets me"/"you are acting like a blond" were instances enough. Funny as it seems how 3 years back I was told "you walk like a boy"/"you talk like a boy"/"you dress like a boy"/"you catch like a boy"...and I thought they were demeaning then.
So,my new phase makes my old friends react as if they are watching a Saw musical:-D

P.S: Radz, scale of 10...rate me for my pinkness today(high pitch included)???


3.14-eater said...

Well. The gush that comes about when your closest back-slapping buddies, who you thought you knew so well, take upon such profoundly gradual and latent transformations as your own as to becoming a "cute-gal" from a "tom-boy"; as I'd like to call it.

And this, clearly raises a big question mark or curiosity on part of the receiver saying, "What's going on Aishwarya???;)".

(You need to answer the above mentioned question, big time now)

PS: 143. (remember, you haven't read the book?!)....Don't ask me for ratings though. I'm so biased that you'd always be a 10 on 10 in all the great stuff. Now Howzzaat.

3.14-eater said...

Oh, I'd like to add this. The so called transformation I was talking about, comes about as a heavier surprise when the other person is actually showing one particular multitude of your own self, suddenly and strongly!