Thursday, November 19, 2009

Statutory Warning: Vivas are injurious to health

I have been appearing for vivas for the past 3 days and I have reasons to prove why vivas are injurious to an engineering student's health:
Reason 1: It breaks your bubble, when you realise that the least bit of knowledge you thought you had was actually 'fiction'!
Reason 2: Its a birthday wish come true for all those professors that you have been mocking for
the last 6 months or years! They devise all techniques possible to mince you into pieces.
Reason 3: At the end of the day, we all know that we "don't know ANYTHING".Its 100 times more easier to guess,frame, derive and use an ever so useful imagination in a written exam.
Reason 4: It ruins the peace ,harmony, tranquility of our lives. Added stress levels are harmful for young,budding,growing people who have other significant issues to worry about in this
world rather than to sit and study for useless vivas!
Reason 5: Its all so dependent on luck:-D
Closing note: Let us all unite and pledge never to utter a word in vivas to eradicate this social evil forever!

1 comment:

3.14-eater said... SAID it.I'm in! Word