Saturday, May 22, 2010


Mumbai,a city with huge population of about 2 crores is nothing less than a 'being'.It grows every day and has its own bunch of experiences to share. A week in this place and I have already been through numerous ups and downs. It broke me down and now is making me grow as an individual. I learn so much every day that each day seems like a journey. I loathed it...the mess,the crowd,the cheats,the hustle,the struggle,the pain...everything. The reality has sunk in. We come alone, we leave alone. We work hard for ourselves and at the end of the day that is what matters. But now I look around and observe this is what I was waiting for all my life. Battling on my own, independent, free, unbounded, the pleasure of struggling. I learn, I perspire, I smile, I fall,I get up...

1 comment:

3.14-eater said...

i'm sure this is a very very short post :)