Sunday, October 9, 2011

The curve

A simple plot of what I have experienced till now in the past 10 years. Quite self-explanatory...

Thursday, May 5, 2011


What is so difficult about accepting the change of priorities of another person towards you. Perhaps the reason for one to get hurt is when one of them still holds onto the same priorities and the other has new interests. Change is a natural phenomenon and the sooner we get accustomed to it the better.
1.Lower your expectations when you see evident changes
2.Change your own priorities ASAP
3.Find new interests
4.Move on with your life and learn to stay happy
5.Never be dependent on someone, it only makes you vulnerable
6.Learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them

Friday, April 22, 2011


There are so many questions that go unanswered making you feel helpless and tired of waiting.If only things could be the way you planned them to be.I have to simply stand in the middle of a road to hope the journey is worth for the destination.A destination where I am destined to reach or is it a dirty trick played by 'destiny'.I was always told I am a lucky person and I have reasons to believe that too.But,one last time I want all the luck to favour my side again.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Yin and Yang custard

Its as simple as making custard :P.

4 Tablespoons Custard (any flavour, preferably vanilla)
500 ml Milk
Cocoa Powder
Cashew nuts
Sugar or sweetener

Take 4 tablespoons of custard and add around 100 ml of milk to it. Mix well. Divide the rest of the milk into 2 portions (200 ml each).Boil each portion of the milk and add sugar/sweetener(3 tablespoons, provided you love it sweet :) !!!). Remove from heat and add half (50 ml) of custard-milk solution to one portion. Put cocoa powder to the remaining custard-milk solution ( 50ml) till it gets dark in colour. Pour this into the other milk portion.
Reheat the milk portions and keep stirring continuously to avoid burning of custard at the bottom.After 1-2 minutes remove from heat, cool the custards in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Cover half of the bowl with the vanilla( yellow/white) custard and the other half with cocoa flavoured custard.Put raisins on the yellow portion and cashew nuts on the darker portion for garnishing.
TADAA.................. :)