Monday, November 26, 2012


Its quite comfy in here with the fire lit and the downpour outside. The insects are a bit of a menace though. The smell of roasted meat and stew remind me of the oven bell in my furnished kitchen. I do not even lift my head anymore if something hisses around, shiny hides aren't terrifying to my sight now. I am letting my toolbag to dry in this humid weather(funny expectations!) by emptying it and laying down all my rare tools on the ground that cost me a fortune.
and I ask .... Is this what I had planned for myself? I did not go entirely wrong there. Didn't I phrase it saying "carving out my space". Carved this space so much so that it has turned into a cave. A large empty dark cave where the only response I receive when I call out is of my own echo.
But its still comfy here...

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