Saturday, May 24, 2014

Why bother?

You know what saddens me most that you and I are educated enough today to read this on internet and yet there are 200 kidnapped school girls out there who are living a hell. That a group of militants can openly declare to the world that these girls will be sold as sex slaves and all we can do is follow news. That their childhood has been scarred forever. That I failed my purpose of education and writing a blog to express my grief in no way solves the situation.
It has been nearly 40 days since the girls were kidnapped from their school and I dread to even imagine what horrendous episodes they are going through at this hour. Innocent children who have been exposed to the darkness for no fault of theirs. No...this goes beyond third world countries and  terrorist groups; it goes beyond feminist activists and child abuse. It is but a reflection of the value of human lives. How insensitive and selfish we have become. A nation which harbours natural resources has attracted oil giants to invest and mint money out of them. If half the amount of funds spent in developing an oil asset is used to operate a rescue team for these girls; they would have been released by now. These ideas are far-fetched and eccentric to a pragmatic profit venturing system.

What good have we done spending billions & billions developing arms, warfare and weapons of mass destruction when we are helpless in saving our own children. Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Men have been shot, women have been raped, cities have been bombed and nations have been attacked. As long as it doesn’t directly affect our lives..why bother?       

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