Thursday, August 14, 2014

What is wrong with you?

Sticking out his tongue with his head popped outside the window, he never seemed so detached from me. I rubbed his furry neck "You haven't been yourself lately and don't eat well either.Pugsy, what is wrong with you?"

He turned around and said "What is wrong with me??? You ignored the little child who came begging for money at the traffic signal but you never think twice spending an extra 1000 when buying yourself a dress. You gather around,meet a bunch of people over meals and drinks only to keep your head low and text that person who isn't present, you crave approval from people who don't even care about you.
What bothers you if your friend is doing better than you instead of achieving your own goals. You spend three quarters of your life working your ass off and earn only to spend all of it to regain a lost health in your last quarter of life.
You care more about the length of her skirt than her vagabond ideas. You have an excess of educated young people wagging their tails around for a good pay but none to lead the nation. You adorn a bamboo plant in your house because it brings you prosperity but will cut down forests. You kill harmless animals for their meat, tusks, skin and think posing nude for a PETA poster is a contribution. You will dump ice on your head to donate but not help a diseased man on the road.
You fear god and pray for only yourself while knowing that each day thousands of people are being killed,houses bombed,forced to flee from their homes and live in refugee camps. There are mothers cradling hungry babies near railway tracks and all that matters to you if I ate my pedigree. What is wrong with you?"

I hit the brakes hard. "Damn, my dog talks!"

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


6 am already!
I could kill to get 5 more minutes. One big day lied ahead. Her first performance on stage. She loves her dress especially the lilac laces I stitched at the hem.

I stared myself for a while in the mirror. My eyes look dull. How time flies.  Years ago there used to be a sticky note every morning on this same mirror. I have each one of them stored safely in a box inside the storeroom. Though I don't look at them anymore now.

"Happy birthday Ma!"
I turned around to find my angel in her teddy bear pajamas. Rubbing her sleepy eyes she held a lily plucked from our backyard. It meant everything.

Her play was fabulous. Children grow so talented these days. All the parents were gifted with a bouquet by the kids at the closing event. I forgot mine and left them lying on the chair.

She won't eat tonight with all her excitement and endless talk. I could finally put her to sleep. The doorbell rang at 11:30.

There was no one outside. As I was about to close the door lied there  at the doorstep, the same bouquet of lilies. Tied to its end was a scrolled note.
"She's got your eyes, but they look at you just the way I did."