Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Still or Sparkling?

Took my headphones off and I craned my neck after watching a documentary on the screen. Couple,couple with baby,big family,grumpy businessman reading Forbes, saffron clad guruji, another couple with baby, young guy with cool t-shirt & goatee, intelligent bob cut aunty wearing half-moon glasses with lace. Fleeting impulse...if this flight has insufficient number of parachutes how will I defend my case in this group.Maybe I should just cling onto bob cut aunty...

"Do you need some water Ma'am?"
"Yes, please!"
"Still or Sparkling?"
(Are you freaking kidding me! I drank drawing water from a well in a bucket once)"..errrr Still will do"

Guruji and business guy laid across their seats like they do in sleeper coaches. I sat on the window seat with my next two seats empty.The last time I took this same flight from India to Germany, it was jam packed. Apparently, people fly out of India more and do not wish to return back home often. I am the only one in my family who hasn't traveled in business class yet and so lying straight on the seats felt like a luxury. Not the real deal but not bad for a bargained check on the list.Dozed off in no time only to be waken up by a flight steward who wanted to serve me more food after the big meal I had an hour ago! Why are we still flying??

4 out of 5 articles today on quora made me realise that only coding and knowing to program things are skills to become competent nowadays. The fifth post talked about developing the prefrontal cortex by doing hard things. Does that mean the 2 days I spent watching Jaws and shark attacks on people in Florida Keys has made me dimmer by 48 hours? Strategizing attacks on my enemies by hiding crossbow archers in upgraded watch towers with a simultaneous fleet attack of galleons & fire ships should be counted as brain exercises #AOE.

Bottom line : Your stillness today cannot restrict your sparkle tomorrow. Also, be it still or sparkling what quenches your thirst matters the most.


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