Sunday, April 5, 2009

Date : 5th April '09
Time: 2:22 pm

I just had my bath and my hair has not dried yet.The water tank is placed on the roof,so I had a boiling water shower. Pardon me, this is my first blog 'ever'. I am drinking a mixture of apple & litchi juice,which I prepared for myself. It smells great and the two tastes come distinct on my tongue. My mouse isn't working properly and I have to bang it on the mousepad at times. Anyway, coming to the point.....whats the point???
-Why did I title my blog 'mind planning for an exile'
You see this is a year old blog with 0 posts. Here I am back after my exile and am planning to put down my daily thoughts in words now. My friend Radhika convinced me to write this and even though I don't expect many readers, nonetheless I wish to derive satisfaction out of my blogs and keep an account of my views and analyze them after 20 years.
-signing off

1 comment:

3.14-eater said... put my name there! how delightful:)

superb work girl...
Its my humble request to you to maintain this forever. It'll become an addiction i tell you. Really glad I could force you through it:) Waiting for our gang to become regular bloggers now.