Saturday, August 1, 2009


idle adj.(idler,idlest) : not spent or filled with activity;unemployed; doing nothing.
  • v. (idles,idling.idled)
  • DERIVATIVES idleness
  • n. idler
I found out that the personality framing process is highly influenced by the way we spent our free hours.Every now and then we are blessed with free time(say twice during weekends) but it significantly matters on us how well we utilize or waste them.These are mere choices that we make to widen our hobbies or polish the dull corners of our mind.Here is a contrasting picture of what I should do and what I actually do-

Ideal v/s Idle
1. Wake up early and jog 1.Sleep till your alarm coughs out that it can't
snooze anymore.
2.Read the newspaper till it finishes 2.Brush and read the comic strip(only)
3.Eat breakfast in 15-20 mins 3.Extend breakfast so long that you can call it a
brunch while watching a 2-3 hour movie
4.Read a book 4. Play on the pc till lunch
5.A half hour bath is enough 5.Bathe till you have finished the water tanks
6.Lunch is for filling a diet 6.Its a tiring task:-(
7.Write a blog 7.Sleep till it gets dark
8.Play the guitar,solve a problem,paint,learn something,anything ..........
8.Google for things like "how to spend quality
time during free hours":-P

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