Sunday, October 18, 2009

Two India's

It was Diwali yesterday.I never gave it a thought but I am pretty much fond of this festival. I stay cleaner(not the case in holi),I have never been allergic to the smoke and am not effected much by the noise too, I am not scared of crackers anymore (never had a lethal experience actually...). After I ran out of all the stock of crackers we bought, we drove around the city to enjoy the sights and sounds of Diwali.
This was when I noticed the contrasting picture of Two India's:
There were the well-to-do families who spent lavishly in almost everything possible;their gorgeous attires,the diamond studded platinum & gold jewelery, the gifts,the cars,the sweets and exclusively on the crackers. The shopowners in their areas contributed in lakhs to spend on firecrackers that are burst at midnight on new year.The night sky fills with bright colours and substitutes for a blank canvas that puts up the best light shows to witness. You can only sit back to gape at the sky all night.
The other side co-existed right there beside us.They were ignored as always.Hungry, thirsty,naked,helpless...POOR. Forget a sweet, they couldn't even afford a morsel that night neither for themselves not for their infants. They sat craning their necks high towards the sky too, knowing thousands of money was spent tonight; but to wonder if only...

1 comment:

3.14-eater said...

Good piece of writing. Keep your XPs puring in like this...wish to see more of the "SERIOUS" you