Thursday, December 23, 2010

Cinncinnati Apple

The buggers in Kaya Skin Clinic served me this for only a few (2-3) times when I wasn't in their list of 'granted' customers. Then later they gave me only plain water to drink! Jerks!
Their denial to share their recipe for their so called "Cool Kaya Health Drink" although wasn't much of a mystery to my taste buds...he he he(evil laugh intended).
I hope they won't sue me for writing this :P

I will like to call this my "Cinnicinnati Apple"

Apple Drink-250-300ml
Cinnamon sticks

Ground the cinnamon sticks in grinder.Sieve and collect the fine cinnamon powder.
Heat water in a pan and add the cinnamon powder.Let it mix in heated water.Pour the water in concentrated apple extract.Put it in the refrigerator and allow the cinnamon to settle in properly.Serve with chilled ice.
Sweet and simple.....tasty!

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