Friday, November 1, 2013

Murphy's scam

I just came back from a workshop which talked of developing presentation skills and I wondered while returning if it was worth attending after waking up early on a weekend,spending half of my day on it. Maybe it was useful to an extent but not much at the cost of the precious time I barely have in hand presently.

When he mentioned of Murphy's law it reminded me of the string of events going wrong with my life right now and why I am Murphy's favorite person.

A lot has happened in the last month and a lot will happen in the coming time. If the devil called life and Murphy are done plotting against me, maybe the rainbow which shone after the shower will stay for me. My friend recently said how certain things are beyond our control in a casual conversation and that line has been echoing in my mind over and over. Isn't it interesting why life & wife rhyme? I can guess why..cos both of them are so moody and unpredictable! Sometimes she is a darling and making your life all comfortable and then the next moment she would blast for some past and start throwing things at you.

Stringed puppets,aren't we? But, if only we were dull & lifeless without feelings and hearts then life would have been so much simpler.

So, what do we learn and what do we get....we are a helpless bunch living under someone's mercy but the bottom line is that it doesn't mean we stop living with dignity.
As I always say...expect less, hope more and work hard( Hey there friend! Long time no see :P ).   

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