Saturday, April 25, 2009


Assuming the journey of life is like travelling uphill, the slope is getting steeper everyday. The trick is to keep going on & climbing up. Right now I seem to be running around the mountain covering no vertical distance.Things hit me and sacrificing the kajol is sheepish.I would like to quote:
"Dreams are not mere excuses to escape reality.Its because there is nothing really interesting in reality that you need a better resort elsewhere". A daily two hours of bus journey gives me ample time to sit and ponder on blown out of proportion issues-a dormant romance,grades,wolves,donkeys.....ask myself questions -
what can I do to give it back to those qualified SOBs?why am I burning my skin at 45 deg C and rather not living in an igloo?Tantrums right!But its overwhelming when my friends tolerate them and still call me a princess! Its anyday better to follow Goths civilization;no walls but the best combat skills.
P.S-thx Govindu:-P

1 comment:

3.14-eater said...

did you notice that the formula for finding out 'normal' is -(dx/dy)??

ring a bell?