Tuesday, April 14, 2009

stone cold

I made an analysis and here is a piece of reality check which is statistically true in all of my cases. Gratitude; is something you read long back in 5th in moral science textbooks-not applicable in real life. Its a nasty world out there and just one step away for people to turn into cannibals and eat each other. Humanity is near to extinction. No offence to those who still believe in it. Let your feelings out only if you are willing to get mocked later. Funny as it seems but some people seek pleasure in others distress. The wolves get whatever they set their eyes upon and the donkeys keep braying.Superficiality rules any day, so shut up and digest it. Love uh yes...an over-rated,over used and often misinterpreted word.9 out of 10 teenagers believe they are in love.The kids don't realize its a myth.Face it 'pink princess' he'll never come rushing for you at the airport!!! Parents kicked out of their own homes, siblings fighting for a piece of land and all the filthy local crime news............... I wonder why hallmark makes all the red coloured heart shaped cards.The filmmakers have exploited it so much that sensitive fools start believing in it.

1 comment:

3.14-eater said...

No harm to have 'The Secret Garden'...... till it remains a secret of course.