Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It is natural for one to dream. Dreams that make us forget what surrounds us and to hope. Hope for better things that fancy us and look forward to life. One life to live and one life to love.

But the secret to all is to realise the strength of equanimity. A day comes when you have to accept the stark ugly naked truth after persistent denials. Fate and destiny are neither friends nor foes to anyone. Inculcating that negative phase change in your wave of life is difficult and hampers your average level of performance, but the sooner this phase is adopted the faster is the revival.

I love the sound of the word - setback. Could it be more honest! Then comes the pre-eminent quote which states that “Every arrow is pulled back before shot, when life pulls you back you know you still have to fly forward.” which instills a ray of hope to every lost person who is awaiting the flight. Life is the best teacher when you move out of your shell away from your loved ones to strive each day against odds and mingle among those competing against you. Hard-work may not be enough, good will may not suffice, honesty will hit you back , trusts will be broken, hearts will be broken, prayers may not be heard...and yet you have to believe.

Start accepting that years of promises, commitment and trust are broken in a minute and all those memories scar your thoughts. You can never be an angel because in the end you will be just a human being hurt by another human. Its the course of life and there is nothing improper about it.

Start accepting that burning midnnight oils and toiling may not always yield fruitful. Your prize can be bagged by that snitch who spent more effort adulating while you held your misplaced pride.

But.......there lies a big butt....the butt which rubs against your face and has "don't quit" tattooed on it!

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