Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My appendectomy

We made a table in our behavioral class. It was called the prioritisation table.
Mine looked somewhat like this -

           Urgent           Not Urgent
     Important         Study, Daily chores (brushing ,bathing, washing clothes), reading newspaper
   Not important Facebook , Computer Games               TV

I have successfully given up on my addiction to computer games (thats because I started working a year back and have barely time to eat ). TV was never a bondage so I was set free from its clutches right when I entered college. But facebook was an all time fad. It started my day and I ended my day with FB. I bought a phone HTC Chacha with a freakin quick FB access button on its keypad!

But then the worst happened and I thought of leaving facebook for a while. It saddened me but every change is for something good. Deactivating my facebook account felt like a break-up to me. Everytime I had spare time on internet I felt lonely and aloof from all my networking friends busy posting their best pics and tagging. It was dull & morose googling for words, searching for people on Linkedln (mostly uptight ones and profiles of friends filled with impressive descriptions, certificates and technical forums they have attended - the kind of work they usually prefer to be kept in secrecy from their friends). A month has passed since my deactivation and I am learning to keep myself pretty occupied. Its amazing that so much can be done in 24 hours of a day and facebook all this while was nothing more than a vestigial organ!

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